Carney All Seasons Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Doylestown’

3 Common Early-Season AC Repairs

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Summer is officially here this week, and that means your air conditioner will begin to work harder as temperatures heat up. There are a few AC repairs that are pretty common to see in the first weeks of summer.

If you suspect any of them, you need to give our team a call to schedule an appointment for AC repairs in Doylestown, PA. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about the three common AC repair needs that we see early in the summer season and the signs of each one.

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Home Tips to Get More Out of Your Heater

Monday, March 27th, 2023

You want to get the most out of your heater, both in the short term and long term. We have useful tips for maximizing energy efficiency of your heater this winter. Those same tips are also great ways to extend the life of your heater by lessening the strain put on your heater. It’s a win-win!

And one of the best ways to take care of your heater is to invest in regular maintenance. If you’re concerned about how your heater is operating, you can give us a call for a heating service in Doylestown, PA. You can also keep reading to learn more about how regular maintenance can benefit your heater, plus the other tips for getting more out of your heater this season. 

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How to Detect Plumbing Leaks in Your Home

Monday, March 13th, 2023

Plumbing leaks are a problem that no homeowner wants to deal with. But if you do have a plumbing leak, you definitely want to identify and fix it sooner rather than later. Allowing a plumbing leak to persist can mean more damage to your home as time passes.

If you’re wondering how to detect plumbing leaks in your home, you’re in the right spot. We offer plumbing service in Doylestown, PA, and can help you with any plumbing services, big or small. You can keep reading to learn five ways that you can identify plumbing leaks even if you cannot see them. 

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What Does It Mean If Your Air Conditioner Makes These Noises?

Monday, September 12th, 2022

There are sounds and then there are noises. When you hear your AC running, you want it to be a sound and not a noise. You may associate the gentle hum of the compressor and or the sound of air flowing through vents with summertime. But these sounds should ultimately seem more like background noise than something that makes you question if something is wrong with your AC unit. 

Unusual noises don’t come standard with your HVAC system, and you shouldn’t write them off as being OK to hear. If you suspect that you need air conditioning service in Doylestown, PA, our team is ready to help. We can help troubleshoot any unusual sounds and let you know their source.

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Know the Signs of a Slab Leak

Monday, August 15th, 2022

The slab of your home is also called the foundation. It’s usually a large flat slab of concrete that serves as the base for the rest of your home – from wall to roof and everything in between. Before pouring the concrete to create this slab, home builders set up your plumbing. Each pipe and connection tunnels into the ground and connects to some combination of water lines, sewer, and septic tanks.

A slab leak happens when the pipes located in your foundation begin to leak. Slab leaks are more common in older homes, but it is possible to have a slab leak in a newer home, too. If you suspect you have a slab leak and need plumbing service in Doylestown, PA, give our team a call. If you’re not sure how to identify a slab leak, you can use these seven tips. 

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5 Furnace Noises That Are Bad News

Monday, February 28th, 2022

Sometimes, all our appliances make weird noises. Some of us immediately start to worry. But there are others that will just ignore it altogether. While there are some sounds that are completely normal, there are some noises you should especially look out for.

We’ll lay out 5 common furnace noises that are bad news. If you hear any of these, it’s a surefire sign that it’s time for a repair. The worst thing to do is to ignore a problem, and then have your heater breakdown during the cold winter.

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5 Good Reasons to Switch Your Furnace Type

Monday, February 14th, 2022

Gas furnaces are very popular in households today. Mainly, because people have already been using them for many years. However, it might be a good time to reconsider the furnace you have in your house and switch to the electric alternative.

If you need a new furnace, switching to an electric one could be the upgrade you’re looking for.

In this article, we’ve gone ahead and highlighted all the reasons that you should be thinking of getting yourself a new electric furnace. 

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“What’s That Gurgling Noise?”

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

When you hear a gurgling noise coming from your kitchen or bathroom sink, or any other drain for that matter, then time is of the essence. Most often, gurgling noises are a sign of a clogged drain, which, if left in disrepair, can cause flooding or other significant damage to your home.

Fortunately, if you act quickly, you may be able to unclog the drain before it’s too late. So, in this brief blog post, we will explain what’s making the gurgling sound, how to diagnose a clogged drain, how to unclog the drain yourself, if possible, and when to call in a professional plumber to help you.

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3 Signs of an Inefficient Heater

Monday, December 6th, 2021

Sometimes things should be simpler. Nine times out of ten, when you ask a homeowner how efficient their heating system is, they’ll just be glad it’s working at all. When temperatures are cold and snow is starting to settle here in Doylestown, we’re just thankful we’ve got heating systems keeping us warm and cozy. However, when your utility bill arrives every month, that attitude can quickly change.

Instead of anxiously anticipating the arrival of a bill that’s too high, let’s work to prepare ourselves for the outcome we want. The more efficient your heating system is, the lower your utility bills are going to be. That can first be achieved with routine maintenance every year, but it also includes calling us for heating repair in Doylestown, PA when it seems like something is wrong.

Are high utility bills cause for concern? Absolutely, and here’s why.

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7 Reasons to Call for Repairs Early

Monday, November 8th, 2021

November isn’t the coldest month of the year, which means that technically we’d say that calling for heating repairs now would still be early. The reason why this is such an important point is that things can get hectic, unpredictable, and uncomfortable when dealing with heating repairs at the peak of the heating season.

If you have a pretty clear problem with your heating system but you’re putting repairs off because the heater still works, you’re lucky. This means you’ve gotten a sign you need professional heating repairs before your system breaks down. Many homeowners might find themselves with emergency heating loss during the coldest week of the year, and that’s why our schedule might be packed!

Let’s make this simple. Here are seven clear reasons why you should call for heating repairs in Doylestown, PA today. We promise these reasons will save you money down the line.

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